From time to time your creditors will contact you to try and get you to repay more of your debt. This can happen at any time, but it’s most common at the start of your plan or when your review is due.
Phone calls from creditors can be one of the most stressful parts of being in debt. The best thing you can do is calmly explain that you’re paying what you can afford, through a DMP, and you can’t make any additional payments to them.
Try to stay calm, even if they pressure you to pay more
When a creditor calls they may threaten to take further action unless you make a payment. Don’t let them pressure you into making payments you can’t afford or paying them directly outside your DMP.
Although you shouldn’t ignore your creditors, you don’t need to take these calls. Your creditors will send you letters to reinforce any information they give you on a call.
Creditors are allowed to contact you when you’re making reduced payments. But they must keep to the rules set out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
The FCA monitors creditors and are there to protect your rights and make sure you’re treated fairly. They’ve set out these guidelines to protect you from unfair business practices and physical or psychological harassment.
You may find it useful to read more about what your creditors can do when they contact you.