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Joint debts

How can I deal with joint debts?

A joint debt is a credit agreement you sign with another person. It can be difficult to afford payments if the other person does not pay their share.

Any action to collect arrears on a joint debt affects both of you.

Coming to an agreement over joint debts

Try to talk to other person and find a way to repay the debt together.

But this can be hard. For example:

  • You may have separated on bad terms or
  • You had a change in circumstances that means you cannot afford your share any more

In these cases, you should contact the people you owe and seek expert debt advice to explore your options.

Can my bank or the people we owe force my ex-partner to pay off a debt?

The people you owe cannot force your ex-partner to pay their share of a joint debt. Neither can the bank.

They can contact your ex to request payments, but they expect at least one of you to make the monthly payment in full.

You are both liable of the debt, regardless of who spent the money. This is called ‘joint and several liability’.

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My ex-partner took out debt in my name without my permission - what can I do?

Report it to the police if your ex-partner applies for a debt in your name without telling you. They might do this by:

  • Applying as you
  • Adding your name to a joint debt

This behaviour could be classed as fraud, but it is not guaranteed.

  1. The police decide whether to consider it is a criminal fraud offence
  2. Prosecutors then decide if there is enough proof to start criminal proceedings

You may be able to pursue the matter privately through the civil courts. Speak to a solicitor before you do this.

The people you owe will still expect you to pay the debt unless:

  • They investigate your claim and
  • They agree the credit was taken out by fraud

Speak to your creditor in confidence. They may be able to help people with debt from bad relationships or a history of abuse.

”megaphoneHas a partner, ex-partner or family member done any of the following?

  • Taken out credit in your name?
  • Made you use credit to buy something you do not want?
  • Put bills in your name?
  • Did they do it without your permission?

Economic abuse and coerced debt can be hard to recognise.

Learn how to spot the signs here.

Could I take my ex-partner to court for money that they owe me?

It may be possible to take your ex-partner to small claims court for money they owe you if you have proof of them admitting they owe you money by:

  • Emails
  • Texts
  • Letters

The court is not likely to consider your case if:

  • You and your ex-partner made an agreement on how much to pay to the debt each month and
  • Your ex-partner has kept up with these payments

You are more likely to take the case to court if:

  • Your ex-partner has missed payments or refuses to pay, and
  • You can prove that an agreement was made

Speak to a solicitor to find out if this is worth pursuing.

In some cases it may cost more money to take an ex-partner to court than look at other ways they could pay the money back.

Visit Citizens Advice for more on how to get free or affordable legal advice.

What happens to joint debts if I die?

Joint debts do not go away it one of the people on named on the agreement dies. Instead, the other person becomes responsible for repaying the full amount of the debt.

The loss of a loved one can be painful and frightening. Visit our bereavement and debt section for resources and support.

Struggling with joint debts?

Help and advice with joint debts

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