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big ben and parliament

Our work in Parliament

Working with parliamentarians on policy briefings, events and constituency debt trends

As the UK’s largest specialist provider of free and independent debt advice we speak up for all who are affected by problem debt, right across society.

We provide briefings for MPs, peers and MSPs, work with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Debt and Personal Finance, and lobby government on our evidence-led campaigns. We also provide practical resources so MPs can work with us to make a real difference to constituents’ lives.

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Debt and Personal Finance

We provide the Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Debt and Personal Finance, which brings together MPs, peers and stakeholders to discuss, debate and campaign on issues affecting household debt and family finances. There are over 30 members of the group, from both Houses of Parliament and across the political spectrum. Visit the APPG website   to find out more.

Campaign with us

We speak up for all who are affected by problem debt, right across society through our policy recommendations and campaigns. Our reports raise key policy issues and set out practical, high impact solutions.

Contact our policy team

Ask our parliamentary team about debt trends in your constituency. These contacts are for parliamentary enquiries only.

Social media

Connect with us through social media and get all the latest news about our campaigns.

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