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i Northern Ireland only

How to set aside a County Court judgment (CCJ) in Northern Ireland

Setting aside a CCJ cancels the judgment. This puts you back to where you were before the CCJ. It does not write off your debt.

You can apply to set aside your CCJ in Northern Ireland if:

  • You receive a CCJ but want to defend the claim made against you, or
  • You agree a payment arrangement with the people you owe and want to avoid enforcement

You need approval in writing from the people you owe to do this.

How do I apply to set aside a County Court judgment?

Apply in writing to the court dealing with your judgment to have it set aside.

You need to:

  1. Complete form 129, and
  2. Pay a one-off application fee of £195

The people you owe may refer you to an advice agency like us for free debt help.

Seek legal advice for help completing form 129

Once the court sets up a hearing once they have your application. Check with the court and the people you owe to find out if you need to attend the hearing.

The court contacts the Registry Trust if they agree to set aside your CCJ. They remove your name from the public Register of Judgments.

Your CCJ will drop off your credit file, but it might take a six to eight weeks for this to happen.

Check your credit file for free online through three credit reference agencies (CRAs) in the UK. These are:

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How to apply for a stay of execution on a CCJ

The people you owe can enforce a CCJ through the Enforcement of Judgments Office (EJO). Being granted a ‘stay of execution’ stops them from doing this.

The court grants a stay of execution if you make a payment arrangement with the people you owe through:

You will need to:

  • Apply in writing, and
  • Pay the court fee of £191

There is no official form to complete and return to the court. Get expert legal advice if you find it hard to write your application.

A stay of execution stops further action, but it is better to get the people you owe to agree to set aside the CCJ. This removes it from the public register and your credit file.

Can I get help with the court fee?

You may get all or some of the fee waived if you are on a low income.

You do not have to pay the court fee if you get any of these benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Universal Credit

The fee is waived if:

  • You receive Working Tax Credit, and
  • Your pre-tax income is below the threshold set by Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Services (NICTS)

And one of the following applies:

  • You receive Child Tax Credit
  • Your Working Tax Credit award contains a disability premium

Apply to the court reduce the fee (known as fee remission) if you do not meet the criteria but:

  • You are on a low income
  • You receive other benefits or
  • Paying the fee would cause you hardship

The court takes your circumstances into account before making their decision.

You need to complete form ER1 ‘Application for exemption or remission of a fee’.

Visit the NICTS website for help and support on:

  • How to complete the form, and
  • What evidence you need to send

The court will write to you and tell you:

  • How much you have to pay towards the fee, or
  • Whether your application was unsuccessful

Help and advice with a CCJ

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