When will you send these documents?
While you’re on your DMP or TPP, we’ll send your budget to your creditors whenever:
- you review your budget, which you must do at least once a year and whenever your circumstances change,
- a new debt is added to your plan,
- a debt is removed from your plan and the payment offers to the remaining creditors have changed,
- one or more of your debts is transferred to a new creditor, or
- a creditor requests to see a copy of your most recent agreed budget.
What will you send me copies of?
The documents we’ll send you copies of will include:
- a sample copy of the letter we sent to your creditor(s)
- a summary of the payment offers we’ve made to your creditors
- a copy of your latest agreed budget, and
- a copy of the consent page of your signed plan agreement if required
Do I need to do anything with these documents?
No, you don’t need to do anything. They're simply meant to keep you informed about what we’ve sent to your creditors on your behalf.
Whenever we send them to you, we’ll remind you that they’re just for your information.