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Managing a DMP

Debt management plan dos and don’ts

A debt management plan (DMP) can seem like a big commitment. But there are lots of ways to make life on a DMP easier.

With careful planning you should be able to keep your debt management plan running well.

5 things to do during your DMP

1. Stand your ground with the people you owe

The people you owe should contact you less once you start your DMP. But they may keep contacting you from time to time.

Many of their phone calls and letters are automated.

Things tend to settle down once they see you make regular DMP payments. This is because your DMP payment reflects what you can afford to pay.

But it is possible for the people you owe to take further action against you.

2. Stay on the ball

Some of the people you owe sell debts to debt collection companies. This is a normal part of the process.

All you need to do is:

  • Let the collection company know you are on a DMP
  • Contact your DMP provider so they can update your plan

3. Include all of your debts

Make sure all of your debts are included in the DMP.

Do not leave out debts for any reason, including:

  • You think you can manage some payments or
  • You want to keep your overdraft ‘for emergencies’

Let your DMP provider know if you missed a debt from your plan.

Including all your debts means you are treating your creditors fairly, and they are more likely to support your DMP.

4. Accept that it takes time to settle down

Time and consistency work in your favour.

  • Get used to making payments
  • Commit to the DMP
  • Keep to a realistic budget

And you will find that in most cases contact from the people you owe should reduce.

5. Keep in mind that things may change

Review your budget often to make sure it still reflects your life.

Unexpected costs do happen, so let your DMP provider know if anything changes.

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5 things to avoid on your DMP

1. Do not panic!

Most concerns can be dealt with by:

  • Keeping up to date with changes
  • Staying in contact with your DMP provider

2. Do not make extra payments to the people you owe on top of your DMP payment

This could tell the people you owe that either:

  • You have extra money to pay towards your debts, or
  • That your budget is not accurate

It is unfair practice for them to pressure you into paying more money outside of your DMP. Make a complaint against them if they do this.

Let your DMP provider know if you can afford to pay extra. They can review your budget and monthly DMP payment.

3. Do not struggle on if things are not working

Please contact your provider if you are struggling or worried.

It may be that your budget needs reviewing to make things easier to deal with.

4. Resist searching the web for answers to questions

When you are anxious about something, you need advice specific to you.

Your DMP provider knows your situation and can help.

5. Do not prioritise your DMP payment over important bills

Make your DMP payment after your household bills and living costs. Always pay priority debts first.

Your DMP is not doing its job properly if:

  • Your quality of life is suffering, or
  • You are falling behind with bills

Your DMP provider’s priority is to make sure your DMP is the best debt solution for you. Staying on top of your household bills is an important part of this.

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