We aim to make our website as accessible as possible. However if you use a screen reader and require debt advice you may find it easier to phone us instead. Our phone number is 0 8 0 0 1 3 8 1 1 1 1. Freephone (including all mobiles).

Our work in 2018: How we're delivering against our strategic objectives

The launch of our four-year strategy in 2018 set out our bold ambition to double the number of people we help by 2022. We've made significant progress against our strategic objectives and our Impact Report describes our progress against each.

Phil Andrew, Chief Executive

"As in previous years 2018 has been an incredibly busy year for the charity. We've helped more people than at any time in our 26-year history. At the same time, we've made excellent progress in building the foundations that will enable us to positively change the lives of twice as many people by 2022."

Phil Andrew, Chief Executive

Providing free debt advice and solutions

In 2018 we continued to offer industry-leading debt advice and solutions, and we began a long-term study of client outcomes.

657,930 clients contacted us in 2018 and 306,391 completed a debt advice session

Being the most efficient and sustainable provider

We continued to drive efficiencies, leading the conversations around funding and working with hundreds of organisations across the sector.

We reduced our client advice cost by 4.2% in 2018

Championing the cause by campaigning for change

We celebrated four major policy wins in 2018, including progress on Breathing Space, a no interest loan scheme (NILS) pilot, FCA interventions on rent-to-own and overdrafts, and MPs getting behind the campaign for bailiff reform.

8 influential research and data reports

John Griffith-Jones, Chair

"On specific policy issues we've had a successful campaigning year. We supported the Ministry of Justice’s call for evidence on bailiff practice, which will inform a decision in 2019 on whether to impose more stringent regulation on bailiffs – a step we regard as vital."

John Griffith-Jones, Chair

Enabling better money management and recovery from problem debt

We've always educated and informed our clients through our services, and in 2018 we started to develop new ways to help them earlier in the journey to debt advice.

2.5m visits to our website and 5.2m views of our debt information and advice pages

Creating greater awareness of free debt advice

We achieved a strong digital media presence and increased our brand awareness on a modest advertising spend. In an increasingly digital age, making sure people reach the right kind of advice is crucial.

50% growth in unprompted brand awareness

Nurturing our colleagues

2018 was a year of careful listening to our colleagues and putting in place the building blocks to support their development.

We employ 1,500 colleagues across 8 cities

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