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How does a DMP affect me?

How does a debt management plan affect me?

A debt management plan (DMP) can affect you in many ways. There are both benefits and risks to think about before entering one.

Your credit score

A DMP can impact your credit rating.

  • Your monthly debt management plan payment could be less than the minimum amount you agreed
  • The payments drop off your credit file once each debt is cleared

Life changes

DMPs can be changed to suit you if your income or living costs change.

  • You are not tied into the agreement
  • You can leave it at any time if you want to

The people you owe

There are several important things to know about a DMP and the people you owe.

1. The people you owe can refuse the DMP offer

2. They can keep adding interest and charges to your debts

  • Most will agree to stop this

3. The people you owe may 'refuse' a DMP payment

  • They still have to apply any payments to your account
  • DMP providers recommend you keep making DMP payments as normal

4. The people you owe can still take further action while you are on a DMP

For example, they can:

  • Pass your debt to a collection agency
  • Start court action
  • Continue to contact you

5. The total debt you owe could increase

  • This is because you are taking longer to pay off the debt
mum at the table with bills

Considering a DMP?

We can help with free, impartial debt advice online now.

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Not all debts can be paid through a DMP

Most debt types can be included, like:

  • Credit cards
  • Personal loans
  • Overdrafts
  • Gas and electric arrears
  • Catalogues
  • Cancelled phone contracts
  • Payday loans

Some debts cannot be included, like:

  • Benefit overpayments
  • County Court judgments (CCJs)
  • Child support
  • Criminal fines
  • Decrees
  • Income tax
  • Benefit overpayments
  • Landline, internet or mobile phone (current contracts)
  • Loans from family or friends
  • Mortgage endowment premiums
  • Mortgage arrears for current account mortgages
  • National Insurance
  • TV Licence
  • VAT

Can I get a DMP?

A DMP is not right for everyone. You should always get debt advice first.

A debt advice organisation will look at your budget to see if a DMP is right for you.