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This solution is available throughout the UK. 


How to make your first DMP payment

You’ve spoken to one of our debt advisors, they've worked out your budget and advised you that the best way to get your situation back on track is with a debt management plan (DMP).

Here’s a step-by-step guide on what you need to do to set up your first debt management plan payment and get everything up and running as soon as possible.

What documents do you need to set up my DMP?

After your debt advice session with us, we’ll send you your personal action plan. If we’ve emailed you your plan, it’ll be waiting for you in your inbox shortly after you’ve spoken to us. If we've posted it to you it'll be there in the next few days.

To make sure your DMP is set up as quickly as possible please send the following documents and information to us as soon as possible: 

1. Please send us proof of your highest income. This should match the amount you gave us during your debt advice session. If it doesn’t make sure you include a note to tell us why. It also needs to include your name and can be one of the following:

  • Your most recent payslip (dated within the last 3 months)
  • A recent bank statement that shows your income received (dated within the last 3 months, and you can also highlight your income figures if you feel this would help us identify it quicker)
  • For benefits, please send your most recent award letter (all pages and this should include the amount of benefits that you are currently receiving)

2.  A list of your debts. Don’t worry about sending us a statement from each of your debts. We just need the name of the company and your account number with them

3. Your signed DMP agreement. Without this we can’t contact your creditors

4. The completed Direct Debit mandate

Please post these documents to:

Plan Activations, StepChange Debt Charity, 123 Albion Street, Leeds, LS2 8ER.

If you post your information to us, make sure you take your envelope to the post office and pay the correct postage.

If you can scan all of the information we need, you can email it to us instead of posting it. If you don’t have a scanner you can take a picture of the documents on your smartphone and send this to us. Please make sure they’re good quality, clear photos. Don't forget to include your name and client reference number in the email.

Once we've processed your information we'll contact each of your creditors and:

  • Tell them you’re coming onto a DMP with us
  • Give them a copy of your budget so they know you’re paying as much as you can afford
  • Let them know when they’ll get the first payment from us

If any of your creditors contact you, just let them know your plan has been set up, we’ve sent them their proposal and they’ll get their first payment soon.

Get your DMP off to a smooth start by making sure your first payment reaches us on time. There are various ways DMP clients can make their initial payment and when they need to make their payment by.

The easiest way to make your DMP payment is to set up a Direct Debit, but there are alternatives.

How do I set up a Direct Debit for my DMP?

There are three ways you can set up a Direct Debit:

  • Log into OnlineDMP and choose the Direct Debit set-up option
  • Download and print off the Direct Debit mandate form (PDF) and send it to our postal address
  • Call us, making sure you have all your bank details to hand


What if I can’t set up a Direct Debit in time for my first payment?

We understand that it’s not always possible to get a Direct Debit set up in time for your first payment. In these situations you can make a payment straight to our bank account while you wait for your Direct Debit to be set up.

Here are our bank details:

Sort code: 20 48 46

Account number: 70238163

Reference: [your client reference number]

You can find your client reference number on correspondence we've sent you about your DMP. We can’t pay your creditors without this number.

You can make payments to our account through internet banking or bank transfer. Usually, payments can be sent to us before the 15th of the month without issue, but please call us first to confirm the cut-off date.

Can I pay my plan by standing order each month?

Yes you can. However, please be aware that DMP payment dates by standing order change each month. 

Common DMP questions our clients ask 

Once we’ve received your payment in our bank account we’ll process the money and make payments to your creditors. We’ll send out these payments within five working days.

Creditors will usually receive these payments the same day we send them, but if a creditor has asked to receive payments by cheque it can take a few days more to be processed.

DMP payments are sent to your creditors as soon as the funds have cleared. Sending the money as soon as it clears means your creditors will receive your money sooner.

Most creditors receive payments from us electronically, by a bank transfer. With some creditors, we also send them details of which account the payment relates to so they can match it up with your account.

When we send your proposal to your creditors we tell them that they’ll receive your DMP payment before the 28th of each month. However, the payment is likely to be received by your creditors before this date. 

Your Direct Debit payment must be made on either the 1st or 10th of each month. If you pay by standing order, the cut off date for payments will vary month to month. 

Direct Debit payments are collected on the 1st and 10th of each month. If you're worried you might not be able to make your payment it's important that you get in touch as soon as possible so we can find an alternative solution.