What is an additional income threshold?
You agree to use additional income for payments as part of the terms of your IVA.
This could be overtime, bonuses or commission.
Your “additional payment threshold” is the amount you can earn before extra payment is due.
This is shown on the letter we send after each review.
- If you earn above this amount you must tell us
- You need to pay 50% of the amount over the threshold into your IVA
You must contact us within 14 days of receiving any extra money.
- We will calculate if you need to make additional payment
- If so, the payment must reach us within another 14-days
The additional income threshold is calculated again after every budget review.
We will tell you of any change in this allowance.
What is a ‘net surplus adjustment’?
Under the terms of your IVA, you can keep 50% of the difference between the last agreed IVA payment and any increased IVA payment.
The “net surplus adjustment” is the 50% you keep.
You can use this for any expense not in your budget before the next review.
Why is an annual report sent to me and my creditors?
You supervisor must tell your creditors how your IVA is doing every year.
The annual progress report covers:
A copy of the report is also sent to you for your records.