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Temporary repayment plan. What is it?

A temporary repayment plan is when you make a small payment to the people you owe for a short period of time. This you want to pay your debts but cannot afford them right now.

These can be useful if your situation changes and you cannot afford to pay your debts.

Token payment plan

We can set up a token payment plan (TPP) for you if you know your situation is going to improve.

  • You pay £1 a month to each of the people you owe
  • You pay this until your situation improves

Find out more about token payment plans

How does a temporary repayment plan work?

1. Work out a budget to see how much you can afford to pay towards your debts

2. Share the money left over between your unsecured debts.

  • You may find that you are spending more than you have coming in and have nothing left to pay your debts
  • In this case you should make a small payment of £1 to each of your debts
mum at the table with bills

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Does a temporary repayment plan affect my credit file?

Making reduced payments towards a debt can impact your credit file. This could make it hard for you to take out more credit.

What to do if you are finding it hard to pay your debt

Get debt advice if you are finding it hard to pay your household bills or debts.

What if the people I owe do not accept the reduced payment?

Make your payment anyway.

Whatever amount you send, by law the people you owe have to accept the payment and credit it to your account.

How do I make a smaller payment to my debt?

There are a few ways you can make your payment:

  • Set up a standing order using your lender's account details
  • Send them a postal order
  • Use the payment slips they send you, if they send them

Will the people I owe stop my interest and charges?

Some of the people you owe may agree to stop the interest and charges. But, they do not have to do this and may decide to keep adding them.

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