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mum at the table with bills

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Debt happens. Let's deal with it.

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Can other people find out I am in debt?

Many people worry about other people finding out they are in debt. This can include family and friends.

Details of your debts are private between you and the people you owe. They cannot discuss your situation with anyone without your consent.

Some information about court action or insolvency is public. Anyone can search for this information, but it is not easy to find by accident.

Is court action public information?

The people you owe can take court action if you do not pay a debt. These court actions are public information:

England and Wales

  • County Court judgments (CCJs)
  • Administration orders
  • Child Support Agency (CSA) liability orders
  • Some criminal fines


Northern Ireland

Anyone can search your details on the public register by:

The register shows:

  • Your name and address
  • Details of the court action taken
  • The date and the amount owed at the point the action happened

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Insolvency debt solutions and public information

In England, Wales or Scotland

Your details appear on the public Insolvency Register if you are on any of these insolvency solutions:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Debt relief orders (DROs)
  • Individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs)
  • Trust deeds in Scotland

Details of bankruptcy also appear in The Gazette. This is a government publication which records official information.

In Scotland

Bankruptcy Restriction Orders are also published in the Register of Insolvencies.

In Northern Ireland

Your details will appear on the public DRO Register if you choose any of these insolvency solutions:

  • Debt relief orders
  • Debt relief restrictions undertakings and orders (DRRUs/DRROs)
  • Bankruptcy restriction undertakings and orders (BRUs/BROs)
  • IVAs

Details of people who go bankrupt are also published in the Belfast Telegraph.

Who can see my credit file?

The people you owe tell credit reference agencies if you have debts with them.

  • Lenders can search these records
  • They are not visible to the general public

Worried about debt?

Take two minutes to answer a few simple questions, so we can understand the best way to help you.