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mum at the table with bills

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Who regulates creditors?

There are Government bodies that regulate creditors (the people you owe). The people you owe must follow the rules and standards set out by their body.

Regulators are responsible for:

  • Setting the standards that creditors must meet
  • Monitoring companies to make sure they meet standards
  • Taking action against creditors that do not follow the rules

The Financial Conduct Authority

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates most common types of household debt in the UK.

  • The FCA publishes rules and guidelines which have to be followed
  • They can fine or close down companies who ignore the rules
  • The FCA can order companies to refund or compensate customers

The FCA regulates credit products like:

  • Credit and store cards
  • Payday loans
  • Personal loans
  • Overdrafts
  • Mortgages
  • Hire purchase
  • Any other debts covered by the Consumer Credit Act

The FCA also regulates financial advice. This includes:

The FCA does not look at individual complaints.

Contact the Financial Ombudsman Service if:

  • You made a complaint about an FCA-regulated debt, and
  • You are not happy with the final response

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Other regulators

Not all types of debt are regulated by the FCA.

For example:

  • Utility companies - Ofgem
  • Phone companies - Ofcom

These regulators set and monitor rules for their industry.

Most common household debt types have an ombudsman or independent organisation which:

  • Oversees standards, and
  • Investigates complaints

Who regulates bailiffs?

Bailiffs must follow codes of conduct. Bailiffs are also known as 'enforcement agents' or 'sheriff officers' in Scotland.

Make a complaint if a bailiff treats you in an unfair or illegal way.

Get in contact with:

  • The company that employs the agent, and
  • The company they are collecting for

Take your complaint further if you do not like how the company deals with it. 

Report it to:

  • A governing body, or
  • Ombudsman

Who you report to depends on the type of debt being collected.

Find out more about making complaints against bailiffs

Types of debts which are not regulated

Some debts are not regulated in the UK. Things like:

  • Debts owed to family members, or
  • Debts owed to small businesses

This means:

  • There are no set standards of behaviour
  • No independent body monitors how they treat you

However, you do still have legal protection from harassment.