We aim to make our website as accessible as possible. However if you use a screen reader and require debt advice you may find it easier to phone us instead. Our phone number is 0 8 0 0 1 3 8 1 1 1 1. Freephone (including all mobiles).

This solution is available in Scotland only.

Going ahead with bankruptcy (sequestration)

Find out what you need to do next

You have made a great start by contacting us about your situation. It is really important you fully understand your options.

So, take time to read all the information before you go ahead. Contact us if you need more help.

Log in here to access your personal action plan and find out more about your solution.

Please send us the information we need

Proof of all your income

These must be dated in the last three months. Use things like:

  • Wage slips
  • Benefit letters
  • Screenshots from online banking statements. Make sure they show your name
  • Proof of pension payments

Details of your debts

We need to see an up-to-date statement or letter from each of your creditors. These must show your name, balance and reference number. Please ensure the creditor's name is visible on what you send us.

Details of your household bills and monthly spending

You can send your most recent bills, or a bank statement showing the bill payments going out of your account.

We will also need to understand your spending. Please send us receipts and invoices that help show this. You can also send us any other records of your spending, for example your bank statement.

All of the evidence you send us must be dated in the last three months.

A completed bankruptcy questionnaire

We need these details for you to go ahead.

A completed bankruptcy ‘authority to act’ agreement

You need to sign and date this. It lets us send your bankruptcy application on your behalf.

Log in here to access your personal action plan and find out more about your solution.

Pay your fee

Once we have your information, we will check to make sure everything is correct. We will then tell you when and how to pay the Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) fee of £150. If you get certain benefits the fee will be reduced to £0.

We will submit your application

Once you have paid your fee, we will send your application to you. We need you to sign it before we submit it to the AiB.

Tell your creditors you are getting our help

Contact your creditors, give them your StepChange client reference number, and tell them we are helping you.

It is quickest to give them a call. But if you prefer, you can email them or send a letter. However, it could delay them stopping any action.

They will usually stop their debt collection process while you think about your options.

Wait to hear from the Accountant in Bankruptcy

We will contact you about your application. You will also be contacted by the AiB. They will confirm if your application has been accepted. You will then be contacted by the trustee, who will explain what will happen next.

To access your personal action plan and find out more about how to go ahead with your solution, log in here