Can debt prevent me from getting a job?
Various professions may not be available if you’re struggling with a debt problem, or enter into a debt solution such as bankruptcy. If you’re worried that your job may be affected by going bankrupt or being in debt, you can discuss your options with your HR department in confidence.
How can debt affect my studies?
Worrying about debt can affect your job, it can also affect how you study and what you get out of your education. So much of your energy has to go into learning new things and expanding your skills. It’s much harder to do this when you’re thinking about debt.
If you’re a student your bank may offer you a student overdraft. These can be very difficult to pay off however, especially if you’re on a low income. Studying may limit the time available to work and earn a wage, which can make a debt problem more likely.
What help can I get if I’m a student and in debt?
For many people, their first encounter with debt is through learning to live and manage their finances as a student. It's understandable that not only do many students find themselves struggling with debt, but that it can often be a worrying situation that can seem difficult to deal with.
Your Student Union can give you advice on money, budgeting and staying on track with your debts. You can also find lots of useful information on managing your money at Save The Student.
We provide free and confidential debt advice. Our online advice tool can help you put together a personal action plan at any time of day. Alternatively, you can contact our advisors and create a budget over the telephone.