I own my vehicle
The official receiver (OR) will only let you keep it if:
- It is of a low value, and
- They decide you really do need it
You may be able to keep it if it is classed as 'essential'. This means:
- You could not do your job without it
- You or someone in your household needs it. Due to a health condition or disability
- There is no possible way you could get to work or school without your vehicle
The OR will look into if you could use a taxi, train or bus to travel to where you need to go to. If you can, your vehicle would not been seen as essential.
The OR will also take into account the value of the vehicle. They may order you to sell it, buy a cheaper one to use, and pay the difference to the official receiver.
If you live in England and Wales:
- This would usually be if your vehicle is worth more than £1,500
- The OR would normally allow you £1,000 to buy a replacement
If you live in Northern Ireland:
- Different limits may apply
You may be able to keep your vehicle if you can arrange for a partner, friend or family member to pay the OR the money they would have raised from a sale.