We aim to make our website as accessible as possible. However if you use a screen reader and require debt advice you may find it easier to phone us instead. Our phone number is 0 8 0 0 1 3 8 1 1 1 1. Freephone (including all mobiles).
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Our debt calculators, tools and guides

We have a range of online debt calculators, tools and guides to help you when you need them.

Take the first steps towards debt help today.

More online debt calculators and tools

Quick answers and insights help you start dealing your money worries in minutes.

Get comprehensive and impartial advice before going ahead with any debt solution.

 Is debt consolidation right for you?

Find out if this a way for you to pay off your debts

Use the debt consolidation calculator

 Are you missing out on benefits?

Make sure you are getting all the benefits you could

Use the benefits calculator

 How close are you to a debt problem?

Understand your situation in 60 seconds

Take the 60-second debt test

 Want to release equity?

Find out how much equity you have in your home

Use the equity release calculator

Our money and debt guides

Find the answers to all your debt and money questions. Search our debt guides.

Need urgent help?

Our guides can help if you are struggling to pay for basics like food and heating.

Read our emergency help guides

Need to make a budget?

Your creditors may ask for details of your finances to show how much you can afford to pay.

Use our 'Income and Expenditure' form

Use our letter templates to tell a creditor a debt is statute-barred, ask them to stop calling you, and more.

Our library of forms and guidance notes can help you respond to letters from the County Court.

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Tim on Feefo says:

"Easy simple solution.

StepChange has easy tools so you can budget well and easily. Helps get you on a plan suitable and manageable for you / family. Clear easy simple advice and can be done all online."

Get help like Tim

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Debt happens. We deal with it.

We have helped millions of people since 1993.

Find out how.

"Giving hope in the worst times."

"The help and support provided by StepChange has lifted me from the feeling of total despair to one of hope. The online tools make dealing with debt management less stressful."

Simon, Feefo Review