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man and two women smiling in a meeting at work

Personal debt consultation responses

We regularly respond to consultations and discussion papers from the UK government, regulators and other relevant organisations.

We have helped over

7.5 million

people since 1993


As one of the UK's leading debt advice charities, our informed responses are based on the experiences of indebted families and our knowledge of issues affecting vulnerable consumers.

Thought leadership

Our blog highlights the trends our team sees, and uses in-depth data, research and insights to suggest ways to improve the lives of society's financially vulnerable.

Visit the Medium blog for more

Media Centre

Our press office can comment, arrange briefings or interviews with experts, and help facilitate case study requests with clients who are willing to share their experience in the media.

Visit the Media Centre


Our response to the MHCLG consultation 'A New Deal For Renting' - November 2019

Our response to the FCA's guidance for firms on the fair treatment of vulnerable consumers - November 2019

Our response to the Insolvency Service call for evidence on Regulation of Insolvency Practitioners - October 2019

Our response to the FCA credit information market study - September 2019

Our response to Ofgem's consultation on their Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy - August 2019

Our response to the FCA’s mortgage customers: Proposed changes to responsible lending rules and guidance - June 2019

Our response to the Gambling Commission's call for evidence on gambling on credit cards - May 2019

Our response to proposals to align enforcement of possession orders - May 2019

Our response to the Affordable Housing Commission’s call for evidence - April 2019

Our response to the FCA's calls for evidence on overdraft reforms and 'buy now pay later' offers - March 2019

Our response to the Ministry of Justice’s Call for Evidence on bailiff reform - February 2019

Our response to HM Treasury's consultation on a policy proposal for a breathing space scheme - January 2019

Our response to the FCA's consultation on a rent-to-own price cap - January 2019

Written evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into the welfare safety net - December 2018

Our response to the FCA’s discussion paper on duty of care - November 2018

Our response to the FCA interim report of Consumer Credit Act review - November 2018

Our responses to the FCA high cost credit review outcome - September 2018

Our response to the FCA mortgages market study - August 2018

Our response to the Banking Standards Board consultation - February 2018

Our response to the Ofgem consultation on protecting vulnerable customers - February 2018

Our response to the FCA credit card market study consultation - February 2018

Our response to the FCA's consultation on approach to consumers - February 2018

Our response to HM Treasury's consultation on a Breathing Space scheme - January 2018

Our response to the FCA's consultation on creditworthiness - October 2017

Our response to HM Treasury's consultation on Goods Mortgages Bill - October 2017

Our response To FCA CCMS Consultation on Persistent Debt and Earlier Intervention Remedies (PSD2) (pdf) - July 2017

Our response to the FCA consultation on Implementation of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) (pdf) - June 2017

Our response to FCA consultation on Reviewing funding of FSCS - March 2017

Our response to the Ofgem consultation on Standards of Conduct for suppliers in the retail energy market - March 2017

Our response to the Ofcom consultation on the general conditions relating to consumer protection - March 2017

Our response to the FCA call for input on high cost credit - February 2017

Our response to the public financial guidance review: consultation on a single body - February 2017

Our response to the consultation on the Money Advice Service's 2017/18 Business Plan - February 2017

Our response to the Financial Conduct Authority consultation: Our Future Mission - January 2017

Our response to Ofgem consultation: Prepayment meters installed under warrant: final proposals - October 2016

Our response to HM Treasury: Help to Save consultation on implementation - July 2016

Our response to the CMA: Retail banking market investigation: Provisional decision on remedies - August 2016

Our response to the FCA Payment Accounts Regulations 2015 - June 2016

Our response to the BIS’ call for evidence on improving the consumer landscape and quicker switching - June 2016

Public financial guidance review: Our proposal for consultation - June 2016

Our response to the Department of Energy and Climate Change consultation on the Warm Home Discount Scheme - May 2016

Our response to the Ofgem consultation: Proposals to improve outcomes for prepayment customers - February 2016

Our response to the Money Advice Service’s 2016/2017 Business Plan - February 2016

Our response to the Priority Services Register (PSR) Review - February 2016

Our response to the Financial Conduct Authority’s credit card market study interim report – January 2016   

Our response to the Financial Conduct Authority’s proposals in response to the Competition and Market Authority’s recommendations on high cost short-term credit – January 2016 

Our response to the Department for Communities and Local Government's independent review of local council tax support schemes - January 2016

Our response to the Law Commission's Bills of Sale consultation- December 2015

Our response to HM Treasury & Financial Conduct Authority's Financial Advice Market Review - December 2015

Our response to HM Treasury's consultation on public financial guidance - December 2015

Our response to the Department for Communities and Local Government's consultation 'Pay to Stay: fairer rents in social housing' - November 2015

StepChange Debt Charity BIS Consultation Document: Apprenticeships Levy (pdf) - October 2015

Our response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on reform of Court fees and further proposals for consultation (pdf) - September 2015

Our response to the Financial Conduct Authority proposed changes to consumer credit rules and guidance (pdf) - May 2015

Our response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on Reform of Court Fees and Further Proposals for consultation (pdf) - March 2015

Proposal to lower the legal threshold for enforcement of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (“PECR”) (pdf) - December 2014

Our response to Money Advice Service consultation on: The Standard Financial Statement (pdf) - November 2014

Our response to National Financial Capability Strategy consultation (pdf) - October 2014

Our response to the Insolvency Service consultation paper (pdf) - October 2014

Our response to FCA payday loan price cap consultation (pdf) - September 2014

Review of the Money Advice Service Response to call for evidence (pdf) - September 2014

StepChange response to SSAC Waiting Days consultation (pdf)

StepChange Debt Charity response to Freedom and Choice in Pensions consultation (pdf)

Money Advice Service consultation on draft business plan 2014/15 - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

FCA fees and levies consultation - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

The FCA’s detailed proposals on consumer credit – StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

OFT’s compliance review on the payday lending sector - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

PhonepayPlus premium rate review - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

Achieving consistent and high quality Debt Advice - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

Measuring Child Poverty: A consultation on better measures of child poverty - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

The FCA’s use of temporary product intervention rules - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

Power to suspend consumer credit licences - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

Proposals for a new Consumer Vulnerability Strategy - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

Claims management regulation - CCCS response (pdf)

Bailiff reform - CCCS response (pdf)

Payday lending review - CCCS response (pdf)

Continuous payment authority - CCCS response (pdf) 

Bankruptcy law reform - CCCS response (pdf)

Fees charged by the Court of Session, Accountant of court... - CCCS response (pdf)

Department for Work and Pensions: Informal call for evidence on Support for Mortgage Interest - CCCS response (pdf)

Scottish Law Commission: Protected Trust Deeds - improving the process - CCCS response (pdf)

Insolvency Service: Reform of bankruptcy and winding up - CCCS response (pdf)

Office of Fair Trading: Supplementary consultation on continuous payment authority - CCCS response (pdf)

Office of Fair Trading: Debt management (and credit repair services) guidance - CCCS response (pdf)

Ministry of Justice: Solving disputes in the county courts - CCCS response (pdf)

Law Commission: Reforming consumer redress for misleading and aggressive practices - CCCS response (pdf)

HM Treasury and BIS: Reforming the consumer credit regime - CCCS response (pdf)

HM Treasury: Simple financial products - StepChange Debt Charity response (pdf)

BIS: Managing borrowing and dealing with debt - CCCS response (pdf)

FSA: Mortgage market review (Responsible Lending) part 2 - CCCS response (pdf)

HM Treasury: A new approach to financial regulation - CCCS response (pdf)

FSA: Mortgage market review (Responsible Lending) - CCCS response (pdf)

Key policy campaigns

Find out how we're leveraging our insights to champion policies that reduce financial harm, reduced the negative impact of debt on society, and deliver free debt advice and management.

Learn more

Our work in Parliaments

We brief MPs, peers and MSPs, work with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Debt and Personal Finance, and lobby government on our evidence-led campaigns.

Read more

Research and statistics

Our client data and research over the last decade highlights debt trends in the UK. These insights into the causes and consequences of problem debt inform our campaign and policy work.

Read our debt research

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